Switch to English铁铸材质暖气片散热中水分子可以穿透暖气壁,这样可以确保室内空气不干燥,同时能杜绝浮尘现象。表面为喷塑外层、光滑细腻、不易积灰、便于清洁,这样就有效地杜绝了室内螨虫和其他浮游生物的寄生。价格低廉,经济实惠。
The iron cast material radiator heat water molecules can penetrate the heating wall, so you can ensure that the indoor air is not dry, while eliminating dust phenomenon. The surface of the outer spray, smooth and delicate, not easy to fouling, easy to clean, so to effectively eliminate the indoor mites and other parasites of plankton. Low-cost, affordable.